!Hetalia Holiday! - Blogcrew

Jul 04, 2010 21:05


This summer,
I'm going on a holiday to Germany!


- Two claims per user; eight users per claim. (users on my friend list may claim three times even the characters that are already filled)
- Make sure that the claim you want is still available
- Put 'holiday' in your subject title, please
- After I approve your claim you can put the code on your profile page
- Don't change the codes, do a simple copy-paste
- I will give you the codes after you do the claim

Note: I'm aware of the fact that Prussia doesn't exist as a country, no need to rub it in my face. Also, this is my first time doing a blogcrew. Be nice to me.


America: (wolfdragon15 )/ (loveanime18 ) / (madchad92 )/ (sangmi_lena )/ (jesuisblasee  )/ (mizerable_b ) / (gohstar )/ (cazzwell ) - FULL     (friend) (didgeridoodle) / (little exception) (sageofwind_21 )

Belarus: (dizzett )/ (lienoym )/ (jayxjunhoyeppeo )/ (setosnicegirl ) / 05/ 06/ 07/ 08

Canada:(fuwarin  ) / (24354 )/ (tipsy_trees ) /(misdre )/ (chocolatesugar )/ (dizzett )/ (emifail )/ (quiirky ) - FULL

China: (loveanime18 ) / (chocolatesugar )/(kopin ) / (hoshi_myuu ) / (sailorpokemon )/ (nasty_show )/ (kecen )/ satirical_dream  - FULL

Denmark: xsaki_uchiha / 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/ 08

Egypt: (amael_elen ) / (egyptian_salt )/ (phantompath)/ (unbornhope )/ luminitrium / mittelschrift / 07/ 08

England: (kurukii ) / (xdiamondwings  )/ (crisps )/ (khibz )/ (suikka )/ (borderofmjauw )/ (annya_chan ) / (pulitz ) - FULL

Finland: (24354 )/ (rai_ch )/ (your_loveyou )/ (kaneeli )/ (minnahh )/ (fourier )/ (prucan )/ (shake_it_buddy ) - FULL

France: (hellzabeth )/ (crimsonmorgan )/(chairofbusby )/ (mizerable_b ) / (silverwillows05 )/ (secretmotel )/ (egyptian_salt ) / (fourier ) - FULL

Germany: (akunose ) / (tyne )/ (kanrakuen )/ (kuroi_tamashii )/ (crystalcrown )/ (emsiecat )/ (baranohitsugi )/ (randomrape ) - FULL   (friend) (didgeridoodle)

Greece: (kobalto )/ (chocolateclaws )/ (ally_music)/ (nasty_show )/ (tredecaphobia)/ (keay ) / (uhohyo_yo)/ (havokpanda ) - FULL

Italy (North): (emsiecat )/ (raindiae )/ (randomrape )/ (iroh_fancier )/ (meditta  ) / (secretmotel )/ (mrpikolo )/ (driflooon )  - FULL

Italy (South): (chewy_rouyale )/ (rooftop_scenery )/ (mikazuki_kagami )/ (kobalto )/ (sailorpokemon )/ (juwelzz ) / (fright_ranger )/ (frost_rain ) - FULL

Japan: (sodiscomposing )/(xions_nobody14 )/ (tokio_imitation )/ (samanosukesgirl ) / (gohstar )/ (cloud_vongola ) / (wolf_laboratory )/ (xaciel) - FULL  (friend) (didgeridoodle)

Latvia: (iroh_fancier )/(muusikaline )/ (noisysqualo ) / 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/ 08

Norway: xsaki_uchiha / 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 06/ 07/ 08

Prussia: (akunose ) / (tyne )/ (kanrakuen )/ (juandalyn )/ (kuroi_tamashii )/ (crimsonmorgan ) / (cowlicious )/ (cloud_vongola ) - FULL   (friend) (berlinblue )/ (kisko12 )

Russia: (xions_nobody14 )/ (madchad92 )/ (amael_elen ) / (foxxi_chan )/ (sageofwind_21 )/ (kittychannya )/ (osaka01 )/ (chocolateclaws )  - FULL

Seychelles: (quiirky )/ (osaka01 )/ (lienoym )/ (hoshi_myuu ) / (slytherin_slash )/ (kecen )/ seiari / 08

Spain:(chewy_rouyale )/ (sangmi_lena )/ (nice_banana )/ (rofflecakes )/ (cowlicious )/ (rooftop_scenery )/ (raindiae )/ (mikazuki_kagami ) - FULL

Sweden: (osakaxsun )/ (foxxi_chan )/ (rai_ch )/(jayxjunhoyeppeo )/ (decaydreams )/(shake_it_buddy )/  (keay ) / (setosnicegirl )  - FULL

Taiwan: (xdiamondwings  )/ (wolfdragon15 )/ (samanosukesgirl ) / (crystalcrown )/ (xaciel)/ (spiffytuna ) / seiari / trishpawachunyu - FULL

Turkey: (tokio_imitation )/ (ally_music)/ (tredecaphobia)/ (starlightfairy2 )/ (phantompath)/ (uhohyo_yo)/ iamelegentmess / mittelschrift  - FULL

SOURCE: All sprites are from nikumike


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